1. Public Client

Public Client

class cbpro.public_client.PublicClient(api_url='https://api.pro.coinbase.com', timeout=30)

cbpro public client API.

All requests default to the product_id specified at object creation if not otherwise specified.


Optional[str] – API URL. Defaults to cbpro API.


List known currencies.

List of currencies. Example::
“id”: “BTC”, “name”: “Bitcoin”, “min_size”: “0.00000001”
}, {
“id”: “USD”, “name”: “United States Dollar”, “min_size”: “0.01000000”


Return type:list

Get 24 hr stats for the product.

Parameters:product_id (str) – Product
24 hour stats. Volume is in base currency units.
Open, high, low are in quote currency units. Example::
“open”: “34.19000000”, “high”: “95.70000000”, “low”: “7.06000000”, “volume”: “2.41000000”


Return type:dict
get_product_historic_rates(product_id, start=None, end=None, granularity=None)

Historic rates for a product.

Rates are returned in grouped buckets based on requested granularity. If start, end, and granularity aren’t provided, the exchange will assume some (currently unknown) default values.

Historical rate data may be incomplete. No data is published for intervals where there are no ticks.

Caution: Historical rates should not be polled frequently. If you need real-time information, use the trade and book endpoints along with the websocket feed.

The maximum number of data points for a single request is 200 candles. If your selection of start/end time and granularity will result in more than 200 data points, your request will be rejected. If you wish to retrieve fine granularity data over a larger time range, you will need to make multiple requests with new start/end ranges.

  • product_id (str) – Product
  • start (Optional[str]) – Start time in ISO 8601
  • end (Optional[str]) – End time in ISO 8601
  • granularity (Optional[int]) – Desired time slice in seconds

Historic candle data. Example:

[ time, low, high, open, close, volume ], [ 1415398768, 0.32, 4.2, 0.35, 4.2, 12.3 ], …


Return type:


get_product_order_book(product_id, level=1)

Get a list of open orders for a product.

The amount of detail shown can be customized with the level parameter: * 1: Only the best bid and ask * 2: Top 50 bids and asks (aggregated) * 3: Full order book (non aggregated)

Level 1 and Level 2 are recommended for polling. For the most up-to-date data, consider using the websocket stream.

Caution: Level 3 is only recommended for users wishing to maintain a full real-time order book using the websocket stream. Abuse of Level 3 via polling will cause your access to be limited or blocked.

  • product_id (str) – Product
  • level (Optional[int]) – Order book level (1, 2, or 3). Default is 1.

Order book. Example for level 1::

“sequence”: “3”, “bids”: [

[ price, size, num-orders ],

], “asks”: [

[ price, size, num-orders ],



Return type:



Snapshot about the last trade (tick), best bid/ask and 24h volume.

Caution: Polling is discouraged in favor of connecting via the websocket stream and listening for match messages.

Parameters:product_id (str) – Product
Ticker info. Example::
“trade_id”: 4729088, “price”: “333.99”, “size”: “0.193”, “bid”: “333.98”, “ask”: “333.99”, “volume”: “5957.11914015”, “time”: “2015-11-14T20:46:03.511254Z”


Return type:dict
get_product_trades(product_id, before='', after='', limit=None, result=None)

List the latest trades for a product.

This method returns a generator which may make multiple HTTP requests while iterating through it.

  • product_id (str) – Product
  • before (Optional[str]) – start time in ISO 8601
  • after (Optional[str]) – end time in ISO 8601
  • limit (Optional[int]) – the desired number of trades (can be more than 100, automatically paginated)
  • results (Optional[list]) – list of results that is used for the pagination

Latest trades. Example::

“time”: “2014-11-07T22:19:28.578544Z”, “trade_id”: 74, “price”: “10.00000000”, “size”: “0.01000000”, “side”: “buy”

}, {

“time”: “2014-11-07T01:08:43.642366Z”, “trade_id”: 73, “price”: “100.00000000”, “size”: “0.01000000”, “side”: “sell”

Return type:




Get a list of available currency pairs for trading.

Info about all currency pairs. Example::
“id”: “BTC-USD”, “display_name”: “BTC/USD”, “base_currency”: “BTC”, “quote_currency”: “USD”, “base_min_size”: “0.01”, “base_max_size”: “10000.00”, “quote_increment”: “0.01”



Return type:list

Get the API server time.

Server time in ISO and epoch format (decimal seconds
since Unix epoch). Example::
“iso”: “2015-01-07T23:47:25.201Z”, “epoch”: 1420674445.201


Return type:dict